In 1200 Mongols came out of Asia trying to conquer anything that they could. At that time, Mongols normally would fight with eachother, but a man united these people and decided to take over China. These men that were picked were a highly skilled army, some of the best horsemen in the world at that time. They were tought how to use cannons so that they could take down any type of Empire. When the Mongols took over China, they, for some reason, would respect scholars, artists and artisans, they would listen to China’s religion, and they would try to establish peace. They took control of the silk roads and made trade once again be very powerful. People, once they were ruled by the Mongols, could really do most things as if they were, in a way, free.
Some cultural exchanges were increased; like food, tools, inventions and ideas that were spread among the trade routes. Mongols would give people gun powder, porcelain, playing cards and paper in exchange for other products. Only Northern China was clamed until another 70 years when Kublai Kahn finally conquered south China, which in turn took over the Song Empire in 1279, and changed its capital Beijing. This is important because the Chinese found a sense of freedom in their lives and they got to keep their changes.
Source: "The Mongol and Ming Empires." World History A. (2010): Print.
Source: "The Mongol and Ming Empires." World History A. (2010): Print.