Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Buddhism comes to China

213 B.C
       The Han Dynasty is in power, and they introduced a new concept of religion: Buddhism.  It was founded when people would travel the silk road, they traveled to Central Asia and India; who's main religion was Buddhism.  I heard that a man who went by the name of Chang Ch'ien, heard of a place, India, and all the teachings of the Buddah, and he spread the word of the Buddah to the people of China.  Also, another way that I've heard Buddah traveled to China, a very famous story.  What happened was that the Han emperor, Mingdi, had a dream. I don't know the exact dream, but he said he saw a "Golden Figure", who just happened to be the Buddah.  "Cai Yin returned after 3 years in India and brought back with him not only the images of Buddha and Buddhist scriptures but also two Buddhist monks named She-mo-teng and Chu-fa-lan to preach in China. This was the first time that China had Buddhist monks and their ways of worship." (Silk-Road).  This is important because Buddhism finally came to China. 

"Buddhism and Its spread along the silk road." Silk-Road. Silk Road, 01 Mar 2009. Web. 19 Oct 2010.

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