Monday, October 18, 2010


Confucius: A very powerful person.  Who is he? Well as a very close friend of his, I shall tell you. Born in 551 in Northwest China, he was part of the Chou Dynasty.  When he was only 3 years old, Confucius was left to live in poverty with his mother.  When the Chou Dynasty was ending, there was fighting, executions, wars and he saw people, soldiers or civilians being used. He disliked this very much, so he had an idea: Goodness. He wanted it to hold society together.  He purposed: when society is in harmony, everyone is doing their duty, and if the rulers of China are good, people will follow them and be good.  He built Confucianism: His ideas and China ideas, making one big sort of religion. He also made 5 traditions: Jen (relationship between people), Chuntzu (Superior person humanity at its best), Li (way things should be done), Te (power by which men are ruled) and Wen (arts of peace)  Everyone liked this idea, he's making people stuff they can do; not stuff they can't.  All of this is important because when Confucius died, the Han Dynasty used Confucianism as main religion. 

Foltz, Richard. Religions of the Silk Road. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
"Confucius Powerpoint Notes." World History A. (2010): Print.

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