Monday, October 18, 2010

Unification of China

221 B.C, Qin Dynasty unifies China.
       How did this come to be? Hello, I'm Kng-Song, follower for the Qin Dynasty. What I do is follow what the Qin Dynasty does for their Dynasty.  Some 7 years ago, the Qin Dynasty came into China during The Warring States time.  I saw them come with horses and foot soldiers, which easily broke through every other Dynasty that wanted to get into power.  A boy by the name of Ying Zheng (Qin Shi Huangdi), a personal friend of mine, came into power along with his most trusted advisor, Li Ssu, who told Ying Zheng to conquer and unify all Northern Kingdoms.  In 221 B.C, it was done. As I could see, all of China was unified together for the first time. 


Hooker, Richard. "The Unified Empire: The Ch'in." Ancient China: The Great Unification. Washington State University, 06 06 1999. Web. 18 Oct 2010. <>.

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