Sunday, November 14, 2010

Constantine the Great (A.D. 306 - 337)

Interview with Constantine the Great; date: 310 A.D

Why are you so important? 

Well, in my power, I started to let people have religious diversity.  This is very important because now Christianity was the religion for Europe. This may not seem like much, but during the Dark Ages, Christianity was the only thing that Europe could look to for guidance because they basically gave up on everything else.

What else did you do?

I created the new capital:  Constantinople.

So, why is this so important?

Because now Christianity is a huge religion in the world, and I said that everyone could believe in any religion.

Source  Gill, N.S. "Constantine the Great." Constantine Basics. The New York Times Company, 14 Nov 2010. Web. 14 Nov 2010.

Constantine the Great statue at York  (Constantine the great statue in New York)

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